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Baby, don't say goodbye.

about me.

28 Aug
Wishlist: oakley sunnies, billabong bikini, guitar, car =), SLR camera, Adidas jacket, backpack, fossil watch, MONEY!
About you:
random, loves to laugh, easily amused, loves to have fun
experience is just another name for mistakes
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March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 May 2010 September 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010 { 12:04 AM }

work work work work work

apparently i'm turning into such a workaholic and it doesnt help that i havent been having proper meals as well.

new outlet's opening. been running around like a mad women to help get things done and i'm just but an executive. the misconception's that i'm a manager. i wish. new manager's coming the arvo before our first function. lucky him. then again him coming early might not help but then again if he can help with the training it'll be a big help for me.

finally met both my baby nieces yesterday and i think they're the first babies i've carried in ages. so small and fragile but oh so cute. the older ones arent too bad as well, the way babies start learning how to walk are so cute, but oh so terrible when they cry for attention.

work's such a mess at the moment and i really miss my friends. how am i ever going to juggle work and life?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 { 2:23 AM }

been so busy lately. finally getting a well deserved rest and my body's already protesting about how badly i've treated it the past 2 wks =(

few msn conversations today made me abit .. well sentimental? alot of memories came back and i guess some things are over even if the fat lady doesnt sing. it's time to move on, even for my career. if things dont improve, it's time to move to greener pastures.

life isnt that bad now i guess, meeting new people, going out for coffee, movies.

my life at the moment is such a vague mess. time to sort out the shit.

and as always a prayer for you.


Saturday, December 12, 2009 { 11:56 PM }

I know I should be blogging but between traveling, packing and getting used to certain ideas like having my parents around again I simply don't have time.

In a nutshell, I've been to japan and had the best time ever. It was pretty much one of the best fun I've had. Justin and Alvyn came to visit shortly after and sadly I didnt get to bring them around much, although I hoped they enjoyed the casino experience *wink wink*. Headed off to sydney to meet the parents and got to travel around abit. Got to get used to certain ideas again i guess.

Got a little present from the parents for graduation. totally love it, totally didnt expect it.

The time is near and I really should get around my head that I am finally graduating.

Off to melb after that!

Saturday, November 14, 2009 { 10:48 PM }

Had a fun time meeting up with maggie and jesse, took some photos and sticky photos. Going to miss you guys when i'm back in sg.

Time flies, soon it'll be graduation and back home. Not exactly something to rejoice about i guess. but time to stop running away and start growing up and moving on.

Anyway spoke to mom, dad and 4th aunt just now. Quite glad that daddy seems to support my ideals instead of berating me for having another one of my whimsical idea. 4th aunt was cute as usual, but regarding wedding bells, let's just say it's still way too early lol.

Packing is such a chore, never knew i had so much stuff (maybe i did =p) lol.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 { 1:58 AM }

I know it's kinda random, and in the middle of the night but i felt like blogging and so there. Was supposed to start my readings for Wed's paper but i think i enjoyed my time better with some girl talk with my darling and some night cap at unit 11.

3 more exams and i'd have graduated. For some reason I'm not looking forward to it. It's not about going into the work force. I've been working since I graduated from Sec 4. Part time jobs mostly but at least i'm still generating some sort of income.

The other day as I walked down the steps of school for my last lesson, a sudden tinge just came to heart. You know, I'd really miss this place. It's a really bitter sweet feeling for me. Presently, more bitter than sweet.

Of course to all of you back home (if anyone even still reads my blog) I still want to go back to catch up with you guys. I miss the food, the convenience of transport and having friends and family around.

However, do understand. Australia has been where my home was the past 2 years. Even more so this year where I get to stay with my brother and my darling. A kitchen of my dreams (of some sort). The joy of having my first car (albeit a short while, but it was good while it lasted). The feeling of "my own home". Not in the sense of sg not being my home, but in the sense of a home where I'm responsible for my own actions. The choices I have to make without the watchful eyes of my ever so loving parents. Where I have to suffer the consequences, to manage expenses to ensure we can feed our family of 3, to have dinner as a family as much as possible, the chance of travelling during the long winter and summer breaks, the choice of freedom (till possibly the night before a submission or exam is due).

It is a whole new experience and lifestyle here. Where people greet bus conductors when they get on and off the bus, where you'd definately find some topic to talk to the cab drivers (how was your night? busy?), where sales assistant are such a joy to talk to when you're in a chatty mood and yet when you plan to just shop around alone, they respect your space. The queuing up of transport, the integrity of people, the random strangers just coming up to talk to you, the dressing of those clubbing in formal dresses or crazy outfits during events, the group of friends just meeting at someone's place to have dinner together, the thrills at the casino, the opportunities i had to explore my baking skills, the possibility of buying items such as candles to decorate our house, having a proper conversation entirely in english, no singlish, no chinese.

You know what I fear most about going back is the stereotyping. Sterotyping singaporeans to be a bunch of anal people. Where queueing up for buses doesnt matter - people stilll squeeze before you, the lack of space at mrt doors although it's pretty much clear in between - surely it's not a landmind?, the chances of people stepping on my thongs while getting off the mrt, the strong accent of singlish, the people squeezing and jostling - only thinking of themselves, the lack of smiles or "hi, how's your day" at retail stores, the hoovering sales assistant who doesnt seem to understand that you just want to browse alone, the lack of smiles at restaurants, the seemingly swarm of people especially at orchard on a weekend, the way cars don't seem to give way to you.

Don't judge me as if I look down on Singapore. If any, it is still where I consider home after everything. It is where I know I belong. I love Singapore, but if only we could be just a bit more considerate to each other. After so many times, the initial culture shock will definately be there. But just give me time, give me space (literally and figuatively) I believe I would adapt. Hopefully this time, instead of becoming one of those I cant stand, maybe I can make a difference. Every change has to start some where and it's never too late to try.

Sunday, October 4, 2009 { 2:27 AM }

I'm just thankful that we're all alive and doing well. My first accident and much as I'm sorry for possibly such an incident, I'm glad that we're alright. That's most important. I'm just thankful I don't slam my accelerator when I panic and I think I did the best I could to minimise the damage.

I guess it's a lesson learnt and in a way the timing was good. Rego will run out on 12 oct, I can use it as an excuse to quit my job and it's almost the end of the semester. I won't deny I'd probably be a bit more cautious when I drive but I won't let it affect me. I know I was improving as a driver and I will carry on to improve. Accidents can happen to anyone, even experienced driver so therefore instead of living in its shadow, I think it proved to be a good lesson to all of us. In future, should we ever be dealt with such a situations, at least they would have the knowledge of what needs to be done, instead of fumbling around like I did.

I'm thankful to each of you, for not blaming me for what happened, to still comfort me when I felt so terribly sorry for such an incident. I thank you for being by my side, helping me with the process and giving me the strength and comforting me.

And you know, it's kinda funny how we still went to do our hair after the incident. But I guess it was just what we needed to calm our nerves and just relax.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 { 9:55 PM }

Firstly, I'm pretty much alive and kicking but just too overwhelmed by everything that I havent the time nor energy to update.

Life: it's not too bad, but considering it's the hols and I should be in Japan now but I'm stuck at uni doing assignments, it's kinda sucky ey. Still, it was fun hanging out with everyone, more meet ups man.

Work: it's shit. Another month more and I'm done with the place. It's not that I'm quitting so easily but seriously, it's shit. The new manager sucks and considering I didnt have any "manager" training, I think i'm doing a way better job. It's bull that you said we'd have fixed schedules from the start and it'll be easier to swop shifts and yet each time I want to swop you make such a fuss about it. Your orders are in a mess, your shop's in a mess and you're doing a terrible job. Step up man, or your shop will be on the brink of extinction.

Love: things are still smooth sailing. we have our quarrels but it ends up more of a friendly fight then anything and i find that amusing. I dont remember being so happy before and I'm thankful for having you in my life.

I guess that sums up my life lately in a nut shell. Enjoyed the past week tremendously although I was pretty much stuck in the comp lab most of the time. The birthday surprise was a success. Sunday was fun, shopping at habourtown, preparing dinner - Tempura vege, curry chicken, roast chicken and egg tarts (it's much better this try =), thanks to wendy and tsuey for helping out with the base as well), casino, dinner and k till the wee hours. Had to drag myself up this morning and I ended up sleeping the arvo away, waking up only when althea came into the room around 7ish.

Anyway I did well for my mid sem, which is good considering we failed our first assignment for that module. HD's out of the league but I think I should be able to pull a D or at least I'm guranteed a C. Wish me luck with my other assignments.

Back to work. Ciaos~